Mr. Geffrey Scott Chairman

Mr. Geffrey Scott 

A Message From The Chairman

Welcome to the official website of the Turks and Caicos Islands Financial Services Commission (TCIFSC), your leading regulator for all matters relating to financial services regulation, supervision, monitoring and legislation, and the incorporation and registration of legal entities and businesses in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI).



The TCIFSC is dedicated to fostering and maintaining public confidence in the financial services sector of the TCI. Established under the Financial Services Commission Ordinance of 2001, we operate as an independent statutory body, reporting to Her Excellency the Governor of the TCI. Our core mandate is to ensure a strong and stable financial system through the effective regulation and supervision of Financial Services Providers, which includes Non-Profit Organizations and Non-Designated Financial Businesses, Banks, Investment Dealers and Insurance Companies, as well as managing the Commercial Registry in the TCI.

The TCIFSC is led by a Board of Commissioners, appointed by the Governor, comprising experts with deep knowledge in both domestic and international financial services and regulatory matters. The Board is responsible for overseeing the business and affairs of the TCIFSC and ensuring the effective implementation of its strategic objectives and goals.

Our vision is to be an agile and trusted regulator committed to creating a safe and sound financial future for the people of the Turks and Caicos Islands. Our mission is to promote a resilient and internationally compliant financial services sector and support the establishment of legal and corporate entities through highly trained and motivated professionals. We strive to promote trust and enhance the jurisdiction’s global reputation. We work diligently to engage with licensees and stakeholders through consultations and our annual industry meeting.

We encourage and welcome all users to explore our website to gain a better overview and understanding of the work of the TCIFSC, its regulatory framework and licensed sectors in the TCI.

Once again, welcome and thank you for visiting the various sections of our website. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for visiting the site.

Mr. Geoffrey Scott 
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